Gentle Physical Therapy
in Western Mass
A comprehensive approach to your health and wellbeing. Individualized healing sessions that focus on improving your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing so that you can be the best version of yourself.

April Rex
Holistic Physical Therapist
The difference is that I listen. I listen with every part of me so that I hear every part of you. If you are struggling with chronic pain, or a complex history and the western medical model has not resulted in answers, this approach can provide a clear path forward.
Read interview with April on MassLive.
Gentle Manual Techniques
Utilized to facilitate change.
Traditional Therapeutic Techniques
Utilized to complement manual physical therapy techniques.
“Thank God I found April!”
“Almost a year following a hip replacement, I still couldn’t walk without limping or pain. I’d already seen four different physical therapists and I was getting worse and feeling a lot of despair. I was referred to April by a woman I respect, and I can hardly believe the success and positive changes that I’ve experienced. No pain, walking with much more ease and energy, and feeling incredibly positive. Thank God I found April!”
Located at: 241 King Street Suite 124, Northampton, MA 01060
in Potpourri Plaza (across from Walgreens)